
After 42 days of detention…burying the Martyr Hatem Abu Nijmeh under strict conditions
June 5, 2023

After midnight, the body of the Jerusalemite martyr Hatem Abu Nijmeh was buried in the Lions Gate cemetery, 42 days after his martyrdom and his body was kept in refrigerators.

The occupation authorities closed the vicinity of the Lions Gate cemetery and its entrances, and spread inside it, before and until the end of the funeral of the martyr Abu Nijmeh.

The occupation authorities imposed restrictions on the delivery and burial of the martyr Abu Nijmeh, limiting the number of participants to 25 people only, "and all of them underwent a security check" before being approved, preventing the transfer of the martyr outside the cemetery, where he was shrouded and prepared for burial inside the cemetery, preventing the raising of flags and banners and preventing the “takbeers”, and the condolence of the martyr will only be at home and not in a mourning tent or outdoor yard, and paying 15,000 shekels to "ensure conditions are met."

On 24/4/2023, the young man, Abu Nijmeh, was shot dead by a settler, under the pretext of "carrying out a run-over operation."

Wadi Hilweh Information Center said that the occupation authorities handed the bodies of two Jerusalemite martyrs, Wadi’ Abu Rammouz and Hatem Abu Nijmeh, in the past week, and they continue to detain the bodies of twelve Jerusalemite martyrs in refrigerators: the body of the martyr Mesbah Abu Sbeih (since October 2016), the body of the martyr Fadi al-Qunbar (since January 2017), the body of the martyr Aziz Aweisat (since May 2018), and the two martyrs Shaher Abu Khadija and Zuhdi al-Tawil (since May 2021), the martyr Fadi Abu Shkheidem (since November 2021), the martyr Karim Jamal al-Qawasmi (since March 2022), the body of martyr Mohammad Abu Jom’a (since September 2022), the body of martyr Uday Al-Tamimi (since October 2022), the body of Amer Hussam Halabiya (since November 2022), the body of the martyr Khairy Alqam, the body of martyr Hussein Qaraqe’ (since February 2023).