
Day 192: Jerusalem during “Al-Aqsa Flood” Operation
April 15, 2024

On the 192nd day of "Al-Aqsa Flood Operation", the Magistrate Court issued a decision ordering the evacuation of the Diab family from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, while dozens of settlers carried out their incursions into Al-Aqsa, and the incursions and raids into towns and neighborhoods in Jerusalem continued.

Eviction threatens 3 homes of the Diab family

The Israeli Magistrate Court issued a decision ordering the eviction of the Diab family from their home in “Karam Al-Jaouni,” in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in the city of Jerusalem, in favor of the settlers.

Saleh Diab explained that the Magistrate Court gave the family until 15/7/2024 to implement the eviction decision, with the possibility of objecting to it within 60 days.

The three Diab family homes are located within a plot of land of approximately 19 dunums, which the settlement associations claim ownership of, and which they were able to register in 1972.

The residents of the “Karam al-Jaouni neighborhood” in Sheikh Jarrah have been living in their homes since 1956, with an agreement between the Jordanian government, represented by the Ministry of Construction and Development and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees, to provide housing for 28 refugee families in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, in exchange for the families giving up their relief cards. One of the conditions was “to pay a nominal fee, provided that ownership of the residence is delegated to the residents after 3 years,” but that did not happen.

Over the past years, the settlement associations took control of 4 properties in the neighborhood belonging to the “Kurd, Al-Ghawi, and Hanoun” families.

Al-Aqsa incursions

134 settlers carried out their incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque during the morning and afternoon incursion periods, through the Dung Gate, the keys of which have been controlled by the occupation authorities since the occupation of Jerusalem.

The settlers performed prayers during the storming of Al-Aqsa, and in several places.


The forces continued their raids into towns and neighborhoods in Jerusalem, and in the village of Jabal Al-Mukabber, they arrested the young man, Ihab Zahaika.

The forces also stormed the village of Issawiya in Jerusalem.